
The following panel of issues was produced by the Issues Committee of the the Libertarian Party of Wake County and presented at the 2008 Wake LP convention.

This document is also available as a printer-friendly PDF file.

The positions of the Libertarian Party of Wake County on these local issues reflect the value we place on individual liberty as well as our opposition to government interference in the lives and private business of all Wake County residents. We urge local government officials and candidates for office to adopt these positions and take action accordingly. On any issues not included here, we favor positions consistent with individual liberty and personal responsibility, recognizing the Libertarian Party of North Carolina and the national Libertarian Party platforms for issues affecting us at the state and national levels.

Individual Rights

Crime: Stop wasting law enforcement resources on prosecuting victimless crimes such as drug use, gambling, and prostitution while violent crimes and property crimes remain unsolved.

Privacy and Identity Theft: Require local government entities to stop using Social Security numbers for identification purposes and ensure this private information is removed from electronic devices and government databases when it is no longer in use.

Involuntary Annexation: End involuntary annexation of private property by municipalities.

Read (and/or print) the rest of the issues list!

Eminent Domain: Support protection for landowners against eminent domain.

Smoking Bans: Support the right of property owners, including owners of restaurants and bars, to prohibit or allow smoking on their own property.

Greywater: Oppose regulations that prohibit individuals from reusing their own water, whether received from a water provider or from a privately-owned well, in an effort to conserve water resources.

Fluoridation of Public Water Supplies: End fluoridation of local public water supplies, and support the right of consumers to make their own decisions about supplemental fluoride, with the understanding that one-size-fits-all dosing is not appropriate for all families and individuals.

The Free Market

Commercial Free Speech: Repeal local ordinances on the commercial free speech essential to a healthy free market, except for those which disallow false representations, or those which protect the right to property or the right to privacy.

Zoning: Repeal local zoning ordinances to encourage economic growth through small business development, and to reduce unnecessary delays and costs that these ordinances impose on new business construction.

Transportation: Oppose all government-run and government-imposed monopolies on public transportation, including bus service and light rail.

Sanitation: Oppose all government-run and government-imposed monopolies on trash collection.

Public School System

Assignment of Students to Public Schools: Public school assignments should be based on a combination of proximity and parental choice, and they should not be subject to social engineering projects.

Assignment of Students to Public School Buses: Public school bus assignments should be based on proximity to a school and should not be a tool for accommodating parental choice or social engineering.

Spending and Taxes

Spending: Stop squandering taxpayer money on high-priced projects like convention centers, entertainment facilities, and recreational facilities, all of which can be provided more economically by private entities when a true market exists for them.

Taxes: Repeal the meals tax. Cut property taxes and the local portion of sales taxes as allowed by reductions in spending.

Bonds: Stop burdening future generations with long-term bonds.


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