Solid Lineup of Candidates Set to Run in Wake County in 2024

Free. Peaceful. Prosperous.

Voters in Wake County will have the most Libertarians on their ballots in 2024 so far this century. The national LP will nominate candidates for President and Vice President at their Washington, DC convention in May of next year; those candidates will be on the ballot of every voter in the state.

Four Libertarians will be vying for Council of State offices, including candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Agriculture Commissioner, and Auditor. They will also be on ballots statewide (the two Libertarians filed to run for Governor sets up a March primary election for that office, also the first this century).

There’s an announced Libertarian candidate for Wake Soil & Water Supervisor; if he files to run next July, that will mean every voter in Wake County will have at least seven Libertarians on the ballot. Voters in the US Congressional District 4 will also have a Libertarian option, which gives them at least eight on their ballots.

Libertarians are contesting 14 of the 19 Wake North Carolina General Assembly seats, as well. Thus, every voter in the county will have at least seven and potentially as many as ten Libertarians on their ballot this Fall. “We’re in touch with reality,” stated WakeLP Chair Travis Groo, “and we recognize that no matter what we do, Democrats are going to be elected in most NC House and Senate districts in this very blue county.

“But,” he continued, “there are a lot of folks fed up with the nasty bickering that passes for politics with the establishment parties these days. If you look at the voter registration stats, there are now more independent voters in North Carolina than either Democrats or Republicans. Thirty years ago, 92% of all voters were either Ds or Rs; only 8% were registered independents. That number has been growing: in 2017 the number of independent voters surpassed the number of Republicans statewide and last year, they outdistanced the Democrats. Today, 36% of voters in NC are independent, compared to 33% Democrat and 30% Republican."

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Thanks, From the Chair

Wage Peace

I just wanted to say thank you to all of the folks who volunteered their time and efforts for the cause of liberty in 2023. As we bring this year to a close, I am truly grateful for all of you, and will continue defending the rights of the individual. Sometimes it's hard to carry the torch and keep it lit for others to see the way, but I can assure you it's worth it. We are making a difference. Our constant pursuit to see the world set free in our lifetime has not wavered or faltered. Until we reach that end, we support reducing, and not replacing, the size, scope, and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and oppose increasing the size, scope, and power of government at any level, for any purpose.

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2024 WakeLP Convention

WakeLP Convention

Join us for our 2024 annual convention as we select delegates for the LPNC convention. We will take care of some party business and enjoy hanging out together. It will be held at our regular meetup spot at Tobacco Road (downtown Raleigh) on January 24th, 2024 from 7-10 p.m. and all are welcome to attend. Delicious snack food will be provided! We look forward to seeing you! 

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