Stronger economic potential for businesses and employees
The way that individuals and businesses participate in our economy is strongly directed by state taxation and regulation policies. To create the jobs and businesses of tomorrow, we must encourage an innovative economic climate today. State economic policy is heavily influenced by established, well-connected interests. These policies stand in the way of innovative new businesses and hurt the customers they serve.
Creating an environment where innovation can thrive, and individuals can prosper starts with choice. When entrepreneurs can create new products and businesses can deliver new services without artificial barriers, everyone benefits.
These are some of the shared goals of the Libertarians running for N.C. General Assembly in Wake.
▶ Read more here.
Greater educational opportunites for students and families
Education plays a vital role in the development of people and communities. It encourages social engagement. It fosters economic development. And it helps students to realize their personal potential. Bureaucratic and political systems are not the best way to meet each student’s educational needs. They do not provide environments that address learning diversity. They do not support innovative teachers or instruction.
Allowing choice in education opens paths to academic success. The right learning environment prepares students for new challenges. It allows students to find a place to excel. It rewards innovative, engaged teachers.
These are some of the shared goals of the Libertarians running for N.C. General Assembly in Wake.
▶ Read more here.
New Libertarian Candidate for State House 41
Kevin Terrett is the new 2022 Libertarian candidate for state House District 41, the Wake County Libertarian Party announced today. He replaces Travis Groo, who’s moving out of the district.