The Libertarian event of the year in Wake County! Help the fastest-growing political party in Wake County—up 19 percent in the last 12 months compared to +2 percent for the Democrats and Republicans (combined)—set our course for 2015.
In addition to reports on the past year and discussion of plans and elections of officers for the coming year, we'll consider amendments to our Statement of Organization.
Sean Haugh, Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate in 2014 will be our keynote speaker. State Chair J.J. Summerell will also discuss our 2020 Strategic Plan, especially our fundraising effort.
Come learn how Wake County fits into the big picture. (Aside from “prominently,” that is.)
- Call to order
- Chair’s opening remarks and report (Brian Lewis)
- Keynote Address - "The Joy of Running (for Office)," presented by Sean Haugh, Libertarian candidate for U.S. Senate 2014
- Election of officers for 2015-16
- Amendments to Statement of Organization
- Any other business
- Adjournment
Anyone is welcome to attend. Any member of the LPNC with a domicile in Wake County is eligible to run for office and/or to vote in our officer elections. You are a member of the LPNC if you are registered to vote in North Carolina as a Libertarian and/or if you have paid—or want to pay right now—your annual $25 dues.
The officers we will be electing include:
Chair. The WakeLP Chair is responsible for presiding over all operations of the LP party county affiliate. This includes (unless delegated) conducting business meetings (generally once a month; this is the formal forum for policy and strategy discussions), arranging for topical speakers/presenters at social meetings (held weekly but generally there is a special speaker/presenter once a month), organizing and running the annual convention, and relations with the LPNC. The Chair should also ensure that other key tasks such as social media channel management and PR, event management (e.g., the State Fair, gun shows), SBOE filings, candidate and volunteer recruiting and nurturing, special projects, etcetera are appropriately assigned and effectively performed.
Vice-Chair. The Vice Chair is a versatile role that involves supporting the other activities of the other officers. A large part is to offer support and help the Chair get new projects started and helping keep current projects running smoothly. This can vary from year-to-year, but in 2013-14, the Vice Chair handled volunteer coordination and ran the LPNC booth at the State Fair (which traditionally WakeLP manages for the LPNC). The Vice Chair is generally expected to be available to serve as Chair the following year.
Secretary. The Secretary is responsible for scheduling and recording minutes at WakeLP business meetings (typically monthly meetings of the four officers and anyone else they may invite) and the archiving of officer reports, minutes, and official correspondence to the WakeLP. The Secretary is also responsible for managing the e-mail distribution account (currently MailChimp, transitioning to NationBuilder) and publishing information to WakeLP social media accounts (currently Facebook, Twitter, Meetup, and Pinterest) and website (currently WordPress trasitioning to NationBuilder). The Secretary should also help to define the communications strategy (content and channel), help to define and deliver effective messaging to advance the communications strategy, and act as the “voice of the constituent” in developing new programs and initiatives.
Treasurer. The WakeLP Treasurer is responsible for maintaining all financial accounts in good order, recording transactions, and filing disclosure reports and other paperwork as pertinent with the State Board of Elections. Financial accounts include the WakeLP checking account and any donation accounts such as PayPal, Piryx/Rally, etcetera. The Treasurer also manages all transactions between the LPNC and WakeLP. The Treasurer must be certified as having been trained by the SBOE within three months of appointment (and retrained every four years).
Management Team. The four officers—and potentially designates—may divide up these functions any way they find appropriate depending on their individual skills and preferences, so long as everything is covered. They should:
- Ensure that records are well kept and effectively transitioned to the next set of officers at the end of their term.
- Define strategic goals for the term and develop ways to quantify, track and report progress those goals
- Thought leadership and positioning
- Enhancing outreach to current libertarians
- Define outreach programs that engage the broader Wake County community
- Growing membership
- Develop relationships with outside organizations that complement WakeLP
Please consider taking on one of these roles for 2015-16 and help Wakeup Liberty! And even if you can’t serve yourself, please plan to attend to help us make the best selections.

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