Please join WakeLP for our 2023 Convention on Wednesday 1 March! Sure, there will be business to attend to, but the fastest-growing political party in Wake County this century can celebrate in style, too. We’ve lined up interesting guest speakers to feed your brain and delicious complimentary food for the rest of your body!
This year's convention will also include updates from our current officers, consideration of proposed changes to our Plan of Organization, elections for new officers to serve until 2025, and selection of delegates from Wake to the state party convention to be held later in March.
Here is the agenda for the evening:
7:15 p.m. Call to Order – Travis Groo, Chair
- State of the Party – Travis Groo, Chair
7:25 p.m. Financial Report – Sean Acton, Asst. Treasurer
7:30 p.m. Running Local - Brian Lewis and Christina Aragues (each of whom set all-time records for the most votes ever for a Libertarian candidate in Wake County and Cumberland County, respectively in 2022)
7:40 p.m. Plan of Organization Amendments
- Membership – Dee Watson
- Appointed Treasurer – Brad Hessel
8:00 p.m. Election of Executive Committee
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- At-large
8:45 p.m. Election of LPNC State Convention Delegates
9:00 p.m. Overview of proposed LPNC bylaws changes - Phil Jacobson (member of the LPNC Bylaws Committee)
9:10 p.m. Other Business
- RCV resolution - John Underwood
9:15 p.m. Adjourn and (more) libations
REMOTE PARTICIPATION: The Convention will be webcast via Zoom for delegates only. Delegates attending remotely will be able to vote on any matters that come up. If you are a WakeLP member and wish to attend remotely, you MUST pre-register by NOON Wednesday 1 March.
LPNC CONVENTION DELEGATES: If you wish to attend the LPNC Convention in March as a WakeLP delegate and cannot attend this meeting, please so inform John Underwood. To be eligible, you must have been a WakeLP member since at least 30 January 2023.
PARKING: If your bill comes to $15 or more, Tobacco Road will reimburse you for parking in the Powerhouse Square Parking Deck behind the restaurant. Ask your waiter or waitress for a voucher.
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