Proposed Amendments to the Wake LP Statement of Organization
The following will be voted on at the Wake LP County Convention March 5:
1. Amend Article I to add “WakeLP” to the list of acceptable abbreviations for the Libertarian Party of Wake County.
2. Amend Article II membership to substitute “an adjacent county” for the words “a North Carolina county” in the third bullet point.
3. Amend Article IV, Provisions of Officers, to read as follows (new wording underlined):
“The officers for the Wake LP must be Members as defined in Article III, and must not be registered with the State of North Carolina with any political party other than the Libertarian Party of North Carolina. Officers are elected annually at the Libertarian Party of Wake County Convention as defined in Article V, referred to as the County Convention throughout this document. The officers serve as executives both for the next County Convention and for regular business meetings as defined in Article VI, referred to as Business Meetings throughout this document.”
4. Amend Article IV, second bullet point to delete the words “and the vice chair positions remains vacant until the next County Convention.” Add this paragraph directly after the fourth bullet point:
“The Executive Committee may appoint someone to fill any officer vacancy.”
5. Amend the last paragraph of Article V, County Convention to substitute the words “Democratic Rules of Order (Francis & Francis, 9th ed.)” for “Robert’s Rules of Order: Newly Revised (10th Edition, Henry M. Robert, 2000).”
6. Change the title of the document from “Statement of Organization” to “Plan of Organization.”
Submitted by Brian Irving
Approved by Wake LP Executive Committee on Feb. 12 to submit to the County Convention
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