Bruce Basson Appointed WakeLP Vicechair

The WakeLP executive committee voted yesterday to appoint Bruce Basson of Cary as vicechair to fill the vacancy created by the resignation last month of Lonnie Holcomb, who moved to West Virginia.

“Bruce is an enthusiastic supporter of our candidates and policies of getting government out of both your pocketbook and your bedroom here in Wake County,” stated WakeLP Chair Brian Lewis. “We appreciate his willingness to step up and contribute his time in person as well as on social media.”

“Philosophically, I am committed to maximum liberty and minimum government,” added Basson. “I had already been considering getting more involved with the LP here in North Carolina when the call came. Spreading the word about libertarianism is the right thing to do both personally and for my fellow citizens. And 2016 is such a great year to be Libertarian!”

Basson will serve out the rest of the 2016-2017 term of office which runs until the WakeLP annual convention next March.

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