Folks used to hearing libertarians rant on about the Federal government’s spendthrift ways were startled to see the Libertarian Party of North Carolina collecting money earmarked to pay down the national debt at the North Carolina State Fair this year.
“Of course, we oppose the mandatory income tax as a means of funding the Federal government,” explained volunteer Jonathan Hopper. “But if anyone wants to pony up their share of the debt that’s been run up prosecuting the failed War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Terror, bailing out banksters, and funding sundry corporate welfare programs, we’re fine with that.”
The initial donation on display at the booth is from the party itself. “We were considering arranging for extra security until someone pointed out that all the $100 bills are stage money,” said booth manager Brad Hessel.
“We do want every citizen to know their share of the debt is $86,765,” added Hessel. “And that includes kids, so if you are a parent with dependent children, be sure to include their share of the debt in your household budget calculations.”
“Well, actually, that $86,765 figure is from last Saturday,” added Hopper. It’s higher today.”
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