NC Libertarians renew call for redistricting reform

LPNC Press Release

The Libertarian Party of North Carolina reacted to today’s decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in Rucho et al. v. Common Cause et al. – in which the court declined to overturn partisan Congressional district maps in North Carolina and Maryland – by redoubling its commitment to the creation of an independent, nonpartisan, open, and transparent redistricting process.

In May, the party endorsed the five principles of redistricting reform proposed by the Fair Districts NC Coalition.

Brian Irving, the LPNC’s liaison with the coalition, said today, “The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Rucho vs. Common Cause does not change our opinion about gerrymandering. Libertarians still believe it is wrong. We agree with Chief Justice John Roberts that gerrymandering is ‘unjust’ and with dissenting Justice Elena Kagan that it has ‘debased and dishonored our democracy.’

“Now that the court has ruled, it is time for the people to act. Libertarians support the broad, grassroots effort led by Fair Districts NC to end partisan gerrymandering in North Carolina.”

The Fair Districts NC Coalition maintains a Facebook group with contacts and information.

Its five principles are:

1. Include the legislature in the process, such as in naming some of the commissioners.

2. Include citizens and/or impartial experts as commission members.

3. Set strict rules for the commission’s work that:

- apply traditional redistricting standards (compact, contiguous, communities of interest);
- do not allow the use of partisan data or partisan objectives, and;
- use voting rules that require bipartisan support for the maps.

4. Provide for extensive citizen participation and transparency.

5. Make the maps final on the commission’s vote.

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