Occupational Licenses Stifle Your Right to Work

North Carolina requires licenses for almost 200 occupations, including such rarely licensed professions as floor sanders, sign language interpreters, locksmiths, and even... chick dealers. “Why,” asks Travis Groo, Libertarian candidate for state House 11, “what’s a chick dealer?”

The General Assembly wants you to believe these licenses keep us safe, said Groo. “That’s not true,” he asserts. “James Madison wrote that government can never be just, and property can never be safe, if ‘arbitrary restrictions, exemptions, and monopolies deny to part of its citizens the free use of their faculties and free choice of their occupations.’”

“You have the right to work and earn an income without burdensome restrictions on your profession of choice, and I value your right to keep 100% of the fruits of that labor,” he said. “Help me get elected and I will work to eliminate every unjust, unnecessary state licensing requirement that really just needs to go away.”

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