Libertarian State Convention on Zoom

The Libertarian Party of North Carolina State Convention will be zooming this year. The party had to cancel its in-person convention but is going ahead with an online convention via Zoom Saturday morning, April 4. Registration opens at 9 a.m. and the business will start at 10 a.m.

"We're asking folks to pre-register for the Convention by Thursday so that we have time to check credentials," announced Susan Hogarth, state chair. Pre-register here.

The main businesses items are to consider changes to our platform, select delegates to the national convention, select Presidential Electors, elect a Judicial Committee, and consider any resolutions offered by members.

"We anticipate being able to conduct this business in a few hours on Saturday morning, but we'll need everyone working together to make it happen," said Hogarth. "In between business items, we would love to have time to throw in some fun and education. We should have brief video addresses from candidates, perhaps a live visitor or two, and a presidential straw poll."

If you plan on offering a motion, platform change, or resolution, Hogarth also requests you sent it to convention organizers in advance using this form.

"We also ask that you join via smartphone, tablet, or computer, and not by simply dialing in," Hogarth said.

Go here for a free download and more information about Zoom.

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